home to everything solar one-stop solution

About Sunfraa

Today, more than ever before, climate change and pollution are demanding a fresh new approach to energy. We are a bunch of young entrepreneurs who felt the need to welcome and introduce the benefits of solar energy. Our aim is to bring a change in the renewable energy sector by focusing on technical expertise, top-quality and constant customer support.

Renewable Energy?

As energy consumption increases with each passing day, the energy industry is looking at alternative methods of producing power. And with a continuous decrease in the earth’s natural resources, humans have been smart enough to look for newer ways of producing energy. Renewable energy through the sun, wind and tides is a cost-effective, future-ready and earth-friendly model of keeping our homes and offices running without ruining the natural habitat.

Sunfraa Services

As energy consumption increases with each passing day, the energy industry is looking at alternative methods of producing power.

Engineering, Procurement, Construction

We believe that a project is successful only when a team of expert engineers, contractors, managers and technicians comes together.

Installations & Commissioning

We take every detail and every element into consideration before finally commissioning the plant and starting it.

Operations & Maintainance

The energy generation and life cycle of a system is totally dependent on how a system has been maintained and its utmost importance is in the utility-scale plants

Sunfraa Projects




There are many variations of passages Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority hav suffered alteration in.




There are many variations of passages Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority hav suffered alteration in.




There are many variations of passages Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority hav suffered alteration in.



Flip Box Back Heading

There are many variations of passages Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority hav suffered alteration in.



Flip Box Back Heading

There are many variations of passages Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority hav suffered alteration in.



Flip Box Back Heading

There are many variations of passages Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority hav suffered alteration in.


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Impact Of Conventional Energy

When energy sources are in limited quantity, conventional energy holds a perishable future. Using these non-renewable sources affects the environment around us and takes away a comfortable future from the future generations.

Conventional energy in the 21st century is one of the main causes for global warming. And solar power has the potential to change the course of how energy is produced by us all.

Our Client Says

Jitendra T Patel

I’m very happy with Sunfraa’s pre-sales service and understanding. I loved interacting with their young and dynamic team giving innovative ideas for my factory solar plant. After the first successful project, I gave them one more factory solar project for 350 kW and I’m glad to say, they completed it in a record 29 days time with the utmost quality.

Royal Touche Laminates

Rajiv C Lalbhai

I’d recommend Sunfraa for an effective co-operative team and project management. They have been excellent in co-ordination with my architects, designers and electrical teams as they installed it during the renovation of my estate. They have been transparent through the process and used the best German products to enhance quality. I’m happy with their post-sale service and any big or small complaint and advice has been resolved within 24 hours.

Lalbhai Industries

Anang A Lalbhai

Team Sunfraa impressed me by their professional approach. They took pains to safeguard the aesthetic look of the house by designing a system that remains hidden from bare sight and thereby kept the look of house undeterred. Solar power generated currently is as per their promise during their sales pitch. Sunfraa’s post-sales services offered through their young team is extremely dependable. Constant monitoring and advice for better power generation is truly splendid.

Pelican Group of Companies